How to make money blogging

How to make money blogging

Learning how to make money blogging is less complicated than it sounds and I’m here to share how making money with a blog whether blogging is your hobby or business is possible. I make money through blogging to afford traveling the world and live a luxurious...
How To Become A Digital Marketer

How To Become A Digital Marketer

I wanted to write a short article about how to become a digital marketer for free because I got fed up with all those misleading courses that play the middlemen and makes money in some case for no reason. I got into Google in 2015 and that’s where my digital...

Top WordPress Themes

In this post I want to guide you through the top WordPress themes to show how to create the most stunning websites. There are so many WordPress themes and it can be daunting to decide which one to go with, especially if you are new to websites. How do you choose the...

Your travel agency client is running a very targeted campaign to reach people who are visiting Paris on vacation and don’t live in France. What would be an effective way to target this client’s customers?

Your travel agency client is running a very targeted campaign to reach people who are visiting Paris on vacation and don’t live in France. What would be an effective way to target this client’s customers? Create a campaign with ads and keywords written in...